I consider myself an emerging author.
I won third prize in a flash fiction contest judged by Jane Wenham-Jones in 2010, and have had some poetry published online. I am currently rewriting it into an Australian Fiction Novel.
Other WIP includes a fantasy novel (60 000 words so far) and a Sci Fi novel (10 000 words so far).
My reading/writing preferences are for Fantasy, Sci Fi & Horror, but anything well written is likely to catch my eye, and I will try my hand at writing almost anything.
I am a member of Australian Horror Writers Association and Fellowship of Australian Writers.
I have numerous short stories in the horror/sci fi/fantasy genres under consideration currently.
Rejection for me is simply a fact of writing life, I accept it and move on.
Having said that, I am currently seeking representation, and can be contacted in the first instance via my website, where I will make my contact details available to genuine enquiries.
Expertise Medical (nurse for 35 years)
Skills Writing.
Location Melbourne, Australia
Email ablack59@optusnet.com.au